Friday, September 15, 2023

The Rule of Thirds


The rule of thirds

This post will cover an overall use of rule of thirds. One image from another media and eight more from my attempts showing the rule.

Part One: Still from TV

Still image from Breaking Bad: Season 5 episode 1 Released July 15th, 2012

This image shows each characters dynamic in the show at this point. Mike, the experienced man is debating Walter, a science teacher who became a drug kingpin, on how to solve their current dilemma. Mike is thinking about this rationally, as what they need is behind an extremely reenforced facility with no way of getting in. Walter does not care too much about this though as he needs it gone. They argue and the third man in this image, all the way at the back keeps trying to chime in. Jesse keeps attempting to chime in only to succeed at the end of the sequence. Walter and Mike are on the opposite sides of the screen. This shows how they disagree and show's how far they are from reaching that agreement. Jesse however is right in the middle. He is neutral and the one in-between them that can bring them together to solve the issue with his solution. a Magnet.

  Part Two: Landscape


    A Photo of my living room, taken without                  A Photo of my living room, taken with   
            regard of the rule of thirds                                             regard of the rule of thirds

These images show the difference with hotspots being focused on. In the first image you only looked at the couch. It being the largest part of the image draws your eye to it. You then maybe look above to see the painting. The second one has many more draws. With all four hotspots being populated by something, your eye goes everywhere. The basket, the window, the couch, and the painting are all places your eyes spy. This gives you a better look at what the full scene looks like.

Part Three: One figure

               A Photo of Hagrid, Taking a                            A Photo of Hagrid, Relaxing on the TV   
                     photo with glasses        
These Images show our friend, Hagrid, in two different situations. First, our friend is just taking a picture on a table, its just a normal picture with nothing else to it. The second photo has him on the couch from before. He has 2 hotspots to look at, him and a remote. Is he relaxing watching tv? What is he watching? We are both left with knows on what he is doing and unknows on what he's doing in only the second image.

Part four: Two Figures


        A Photo of Hagrid, knocked down                              A Photo of Hagrid, with support
          with a new person next to him?                                  with his new friend Bear Bear   

         A Photo of Hagrid and Bear Bear,                     A photo of Hagrid leaving Bear Bear, she told 
Taking a head pat break to deal with trauma               him that they love him and he isn't ready

These four images show differing uses of the rule of thirds. 
    Our first photo shows one without regard of the rule. It is just a photo with Hagrid slumped and a new Bear Bear. Did they knock them down? 
    Well maybe not because the second photo has them together. They're just standing neutrally together with rule of thirds. Relaxing but nothing much happens. They stand on each line of the grid and neutrally pose.
    The third photo may be relaxing, but also therapeutic as Hagrid is getting some condolences with Bear Bear. Most likely due to his traumatic fall. The Rule of thirds show them closer together showing them growing more closely together with them being in-between the neutral lines of the grid. 
    But after that, Bear Bear already caught feeling that Hagrid is not putting down, and he leaves promptly. Bear Bear is still on a line with hotspots in the rule of thirds, but Hagrid is completely on one side. This shows his disconnect from Bear Bear as he's almost completely removed from any hotspots.

The Rule of Thirds are clearly a powerful tool that can be used to help tell a story. It can show how close or how apart characters are. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Hello World, my name is...

My name is Dozen, how are you? I'm an aspiring film maker who's dipping his toes into this field with the videos and clips off of this page. I love the production aspects of film. The variety of ways that film communicates the themes, feelings, and emotions of a scene with the camera work and visuals. The planning and coordination for one scene is so intriguing. The visual effects are one of my favorite aspect of film, and media in general. The tricky ways different artists choose to tackle one effect is amazing and the effects well... effects are non the less superb. Most effects suck you even deeper into the narrative of the film and expand the world of it. It is the reason i chose to start a Youtube channel and edit videos. I love finding a way to create the scene i want to show, and tell the story i want to tell with my very eccentric friends as our titular characters.

I have other interests too. I love Videogames as well. The wide variety of experiences that are available to you cannot be understated. They all have so many different themes and different ways of exploring it is amazing. You can have a game like Devil May Cry 3 which explores themes of family with immensely stylish action and spectacle, or a game like Jet Set Radio which tackles rebelling against authorities with spray paint and banging music and an amazing art style. 

And that's a little bit about me!