Saturday, December 16, 2023

CCR - The 3 Written

The 3 Written

Question 1: Challenging Conventions

My "Chicken Man" killer alongside Michael Myers from "Halloween"

Our Film "Chicken Chess" challenges the conventions of a menacing villain or intimidating killer for a horror film. It does this with its very concept, a chess player putting on a chicken mask and killing his players. This takes the silly convention of an animal mask and uses it to create a more creepy feel.
We also represented the chess group, and that sub section of players that hate loosing. They would do anything to win, even kill to gain a victory over their opponent. We took that logic to its conclusion in this film.

Question 2: Engage in Distributions

A shot of my film, showing the Chicken Mask   Along side the distribution YouTube

We engage our audience with our film by wrapping them up into a chess game and seeing our loser's loss with the anticipation of the mask with our panning shot. Where the film goes in the second half and the rising tension keeps the viewers locked into the film.
We would use YouTube, and TikTok to distribute them as it would have the best chance to reach audiences on TikTok and have a better lasting impression and memory on YouTube.

Question 3: Producing our Skills

Two Timelines, My film "Chicken Chess" on the left and "Discord Shenanigans Remake" on the right

My skills in film making began with this film, and experiencing a organized and planned production is very new to me. Learning to plan around different scenarios and issues is a different experience, one that is very different from off the cuff YouTube videos. 
Speaking of YouTube, editing a film production is wholly different. There is a different pacing and logic in putting together scenes and creating an unnerving atmosphere, than editing down a long video and implementing humorous and silly effects. It is a whole different process that I did not understand until I edited my teams film.

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