Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Depth of Field

 Depth of Field

In this post, we will cover another aspect cinematography, Depth of Field. I shall show 3 images from both myself and other media to go over Deep, Shallow, and Soft focus.

Part 1: Other Media

Deep focus:
                           The opening scene of "Saving Private Ryan" released on "July 24, 1998".

This shot uses deep focus to allow the viewers to see each solders feelings and actions before they hit the beach. This allows the tension and suspense of when they will hit the Omaha beach to build much more.

Shallow focus:
The "Spider Sense" scene in "Spider-Man: No Way Home," released om "December 17, 2021"

This shot uses deep focus to put the viewer into peters eyes. As he feels this wave of incoming danger and anxiousness, his view and perspective is clouded. This feeling is recreated as everything is cloudy and out of focus aside from him and his shock.

Soft focus:
The final fight scene in "The Mother(2023)," Released on "May 12, 2023"

This shot uses soft focus to show how beaten and hurt the Mother is. As she directly tries to kill the kidnaper of her child after being beaten down by him, she shoots her sniper with blurred and warped vision. This is shown with soft focus as everything is obscured and shaky. You cannot make out anything with clarity just like the mother.

Part 2: My Attempts

Soft focus: 
A battle ensues with Bear Bear and Hagrid, with a solid headbutt dealt from Hagrid to Bear Bear's chest.

Shallow focus:
After Hagrid's attempt, he is knocked down. But he then sees a weapon he can use placed on the ground 

Deep focus: 
Hagrid gets up to see Bear Bear still stunned. They both prepare for another round to grab the weapon

    These photos were not difficult to take, only needing to have some tricks to get. 
    The first one, the Soft focus, needed me to create a video as i could not take a picture while  moving my hand. This allowed me to get a nice, burry shot showing impact and leaving blurriness in.
    The Shallow focus shot took a few shots to get right, as the first few didn't have enough blur on Hagrid to draw the eye to the Weapon.
    The final, Deep focus, shot was all positioning as i needed to get the camera to a position where it did not add a blur. While it didn't take long, it did show the camera's natural inclination to add blur, and where it would add it to.

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