Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Progress Post 7 - Smooth as Rain

Smooth as Rain

Frames from our second day shooting. We took more dynamic shots today because we brought everything.

    Day two of production has hit, and while it was smoother first, we got the rocky hits of something called rain. It was cloudy at the start which may become a pain in post production and bringing it together. Then the rain came in and basically killed any chance of us getting through the rest of the chess shots. We were able to switch over to the chicken man scenes and get a good chunk of them done so we made a lot of progress. We got through 60% of the shot list today.

    The rain did slow us down though, we could of gotten farther if there wasn't so many hiccups. Clearly there are many issues we will hit in our film making careers. Although I'm getting a little tired of many issues, i shouldn't have to many hiccups now though!                                                                                        

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