Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Production Post 15 - Picking up the Pieces


Picking up the Pieces

    We as a class all showcased our films current stages, the sound on my computer did not work so they only could critique the visual aspect of the film. It all worked well, the cut out hand worked and the pacing was mostly well done. there were 3 things that did need improving however.
         1. There was too little color in the film, which made a few shots that could of been powerful weak.
         2. The final shot lasted for 8 seconds, and could be cut down to make the ending more powerful.
         3. The intro to the hallway area was a shallow focus shot, and did not work to set anything up.

    After that, I went back and made a few key alterations to fix up the film.
            1. I re-added in the color of the film, then made sure to keep it's warm gamma tones, some desaturation to make it starker, and the contrast up to make it pop. I believe this balance of colors helped make the close up shots especially more impactful and memorable.

This is me fixing the color in the film, making the colors pop more

            2. To fix the pacing of the films' ending, I trimmed the cut off to end at the beat instead of at the poll. Now the film both does not drag on and I have time for the end credits.

This is when I cut the final shot shorter to the beat of the song

            3. The shot of the hallway cannot be fixed, it was shot like that and is essential to our film, so it stays as a blunder to fix for next time.

    With that all sorted and the film fully edited out, I add in the end credits and Title card and wrap Post Production. This has been such a unique editing experience, and nothing like I have done before. So wildly different and out of my comfort zone. However, this is what you need to do to grow as an artist and creator to improve your craft.

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