Monday, December 4, 2023

Progress Post 13 - Pasty Hand

Pasty Hand

The software for visual effects work, Davinci Resolve Fusion

    It is now time for the visual effects portion of the post production. Something that I decided on back in the last day of production is to turn my skin into something that resembles my co-actor John David. Which means I need to cut out my hand 60 times to fully cover the length of the shot.
    This was a process took a long time. Hands have many curves and are dynamic, and some chess pieces go in front of the hand of which i needed to cut around as to not destroy the shot blending in well. It's a delicate process of cutting it out well, but not taking weeks to do a 3 second shot. Once that was done I switched gears to the second aspect of this effect.

The red dots are different vertices to change the line's shape into my hand's shape

    The second part of this effect is the change in color. The fundamental difference of the two of us is the fact that John David is Caucasian and I am Caribbean. This makes the shadows and creases in our skin very different and hard to emulate into each other. 
    I studied mine and his skin tones a lot, and discovered many things. 
            1. John David has a very bright pink undertone to his skin, which shows a lot in his palms. I                        have pale palms since my father is part African American, so this allowed me to isolate the                      pale parts of the hand and add a slight pink tone to it.
            2. My skin has a lot of ridges and creases to it, a very detailed hand. John David's hand in                            contrast is smooth and does not have as much detail. I can lower my level of detail in my hand                 using the "Mid/Detail" slider in the color tab.

The two color panels and effects i used to change my skin tone

After all of this work I ended with an effect that while not perfect, it sells the fact that it is the Winner character in the shot and not my hand trying to substitute as the Winner character. It falls apart when you look closely but in motion it works well. Not everything needs to be perfect, it just needs to work.

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