Friday, February 9, 2024

Introducing the Intro

Introducing a film is very hard, you need to hit certain beats to have the audience understand what is happening while also making it a captivating experience. So I want to do some research on two film introductions, one animated one live-action, and dive deep on what makes these intros so amazing.

Across the Spider-Verse

This intro uses the striking art style and colors that spider verse is known for to grab all your attention and lock it in. It's splashes of color and painterly style grab you and keep you focus as our narrator Gwen goes over the events of her life and covering the previous film. This serves as both looking back and playing catchup for the previous film, and also seeing what new heights this new installment can reach in terms of style and characters.

Matrix (2000)

The Matrix opens up en media res, showcasing a chase to catch a woman in black and dynamic action. It also showcases what these character types are, the cops, the mysterious men in back, and the women doing extreme acrobatics to escape both their grasps. It also sets up questions like what the green text at the beginning is? why she needed to go to the telephone? Both these questions have payoffs later on and are excellently set up in the beginning.

So what can we gather from these two intros that help us understand what makes these so great? Well I gathered 2 consistent things, Dynamic an interesting visuals with information to both establish and set up. Both intros have these two foundational aspects that make these amazing openings what they are.

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