Monday, November 6, 2023

Progress Post 1 - Slow but Steady

 Slow but Steady

Our films pre-production began slowly, but we came together and started bouncing off ideas and seeing what we could come up with. We needed it to be surrounding the idea of chess, and I gave the inspiration behind the chicken mask idea thanks to me having a chicken mask at my disposal. We used that and created an idea for a Horror film where a man looses a game of chess and kills the winner in retaliation. 

After that we laid down what work needs to be done. We all found things to do, all aside from me since I'm the editor and need to wait till the production and post production till the real work begins. All this is telling me is that although progress may be slow, it's steady and will be completed if I don't rush ahead forcing my team to crumble.

Although i do wanna keep myself occupied and getting stuff ready, what can I do for now to get ready?

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